Spanish Translations → CMS

Spanish Translations → CMS


Strong computer literacy, meticulous copy-paste skills, cross-referencing scientific documents in multiple languages, independent troubleshooting, persistence


Content management system (CMS) experience, Spanish literacy, scientific literacy


8-16 hours (estimated)


$1,000 flat-rate or $75/hour, whatever is higher


Complete by Wednesday, July 13

No meetings requiredRemoteAsynchronous
Future Opportunities

Additional 8-16 hours of work is expected in July, with a lower probability of ongoing work after that


Three websites showing interactive reports of hyperlocal air quality for areas in the Los Angeles Basin are being translated into Spanish for the benefit of Spanish speaking community members and environmental justice organizations.

The work requires taking the translation documents received from a translations service, and entering the data into a content management system ( It will require cross-referencing between documents and fields, and some light editing to ensure that pollutant names are properly formatted with subscripts. There are approximately 600 fields to populate.

Additionally, any missing translations should be documented to share with the the translation service.


Questions? Email Jaron


Websites for translation

Content management system

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